Archive for July, 2011
Eight Artists Overdue for a New Album
Posted on 10. Jul, 2011 by admin.

Damien is featured as the number one artist overdue for a new album in a new article in Paste Magazine.
Here’s the relevant section:
1. Damien Rice
It’s difficult to uncover the mystery of an artist when they don’t want to be found. Damien Rice has made it clear; he doesn’t like the lime light. After he released 9 in 2006 he slipped into the sonic abyss, which would make sense if he issued a terrible sophomore effort and slowly faded away. But both O and 9 were intimate, fantastic records. It’s hard to go a few months without hearing a D Rice song on a TV series or film, forcing yourself to stop and ponder ‘whatever happened to that meek Irishman?’
As it turns out, Rice has been lending his time to various charities and side projects. In April, he collaborated with French actress Melanie Laurent on five songs for her debut record, en t’attendant. In February, he released “Look At Me,” for an Argentinian children’s record. In 2010, he contributed to Gasoline Rainbows, a collaborative effort that benefited those affected by the Gulf Coast oil spill, and he donated a new version of “Lonely Soldier” for the Raise Hope for Congo album. But just as he wants it, we are still left to wonder if or when there will be another Damien Rice solo venture.
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